A peace collective

For dreamers
and doers
like you.

Founded by refugees.

Across two decades, friends like you have helped 2M people before, during, and after war.

© Ihsan Ibraheem

A peace collective

For dreamers
and doers
like you.

Founded by refugees.

Across two decades, friends like you have helped 2M people before, during, and after war.

© Ihsan Ibraheem


In 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq. Within ten years, terrorists controlled much of Iraq, Syria was at war, and militia ran wild.

Bombed and displaced, our founders lost it all.

Ultimately, they rebuilt and earned global recognition for their impact serving survivors.

After years working together as humanitarian peacemakers elsewhere, our founders left to nurture and grow a new collective model.

Today, HUMANITE works to reduce the inequalities and exclusions in fragile states that lead to violence.

Why HUMANITE Exists (Vision):
Local peace, around the world.

What HUMANITE Measures (Mission)
Reducing the inequalities and exclusions in fragile states that are caused by and lead to violence.

See United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #10; Indicators 10.1.1; 10.3.1; and 10.7.4.

How HUMANITE is Different
Holistic care, led by locals.

Saddam Fall

HUMANITE Founders, Staff, & Chapters

Decades of experience.
A world of impact.

A tried and tested team, with extraordinary results on the frontlines of war.

© Ihsan Ibraheem


In 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq. Within ten years, terrorists controlled much of Iraq, Syria was at war, and militia ran wild.

Bombed. Displaced. Attacked. Our founders lost it all.

Ultimately, they rebuilt and earned global recognition for their impact serving survivors.

After years working together as humanitarian peacemakers elsewhere, our seven founders ventured out to scale a new model.

Locals who survive the terrors of war know best what locals need.


Why We Work (Vision):
Local peace, around the world.

What We Measure (Mission)
Stop the spread of violence.

How We're Different
Whole solutions for whole people, led by locals.

Deeper Dive: How HUMANITE is different >


Beyond giving.

Uniting humans is hard. This community cares for each other online and serves together offline so you don't have to go it alone.

Members give monthly for holistic care, including food in war zones, shelter, jobs, and community support to stop violence and nurture peace.

© Ihsan Ibraheem

Help fast.
Help that lasts.

For $9 a month, your membership helps HUMANITE:

Prepare resources
before conflict

Act fast during crisis

Serve long after
foreign aid dries up

Save 3X more lives

Dashboard mockup

Almost home...

Because of members like you.

BECOME A MEMBER (or give 1X)