On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, escalating the eight-year conflict in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region. Russia’s invasion has caused widespread death, destruction, and displacement, and left millions of Ukrainians in need of humanitarian assistance.
The war in Ukraine is one of the most significant global conflicts today, due to its regional and global implications, humanitarian impact, and potential to escalate. Widespread destruction, displacement, and humanitarian needs make Ukraine one of the largest, most complex crises we face. Your support helps HUMANITE work publicly with partners and privately behind closed doors to meet needs and lower tensions until peace prevails.
The war in Ukraine has created diverse challenges across different regions. The eastern Donbas region faces intense conflict with daily shelling and displacement, resulting in widespread infrastructure damage and limited access to essentials. The southern coastal region has also experienced displacement, deadly airstrikes, and restricted services. Kyiv, the capital, has experienced a comparatively milder impact, in spite of Russian drone and missile attacks into the second half of 2023. Your support helps HUMANITE bring tailored support to all our Ukrainian neighbours where they need it most.
Refugees (internally displaced), women, children, the elderly, and those with disabilities are the most in-need right now. These friends face exacerbated challenges due to ongoing bombardment and/or displacement. Your donation helps HUMANITE bring specialized assistance to our neighbours who need it most.
The bombardment of civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine has been profound, with countless buildings destroyed or damaged. The resulting displacement has forced millions to flee their homes. Your monthly donation helps HUMANITE meet the urgent housing and long-term recovery needs of normal, everyday people like you.
Air strikes, military occupation, and violent displacement have devastated local economies across Ukraine. Countries lose 41% of their economic output to conflict. But we’re not waiting to see what the long-term impact will be. Your donation supports livelihood opportunities, start-up and re-start grants, and various small-to-midsize income-generating initiatives.
We’re working to close the gaps that are caused by (and lead to) violence. We want to live out our values, humanizing everyone and taking big risks for peace. As an organization of refugees and war survivors, we know the end of war is just the beginning. That’s why HUMANITE provides relief and recovery, working for peace through all we do. Your monthly donation gives help fast, and help that lasts, fostering hope and peace for the future.
When you give, you accelerate HUMANITE's local efforts and holistic approach to peace. Here’s how we’re working in Ukraine:
Rapid delivery of food, medicine, and other vital essentials to help survive violence and displacement.
Start-up grants, restart grants, and other economic support to help communities rebuild after war.
Outreach, education, cooperation, and media to stop division and multiply peace.
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Prefer to give by Cheque?
You can send your gift to:
HUMANITE Foundation Canada
2967 Dundas St. W., #483D
Toronto, Ontario M6P 1Z2
At HUMANITE, we work to help you maximize your impact in the lives of those affected by conflict and the terror it brings. Due to the volatile, dynamic nature of the situation in Ukraine, donations given through this page will be used where needed most.